Takeaway alcohol management system
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TAMS Trial Period Evaluation Report
A copy of the TAMS Trial Evaluation Report January to October 2016 can be found here.
TAMS Self-Exclusion Form
At the request of community members, the Kununurra Wyndham Alcohol Accord have implemented a process that allows a person to exclude themselves from purchasing alcohol using the Takeaway Alcohol Management System (TAMS).
This “opt-out” process has come into effect due to community feedback received that some people would prefer to be excluded from the system as they do not drink, and/or do not want to be humbugged to purchase alcohol on behalf of others. Those that “opt out” may opt back in at anytime as this is a completely voluntary option.
The self-exclusion form and information is available here or at Kununurra and Wyndham Police Stations.
Takeaway Alcohol Management System Feedback
The 12 month trial of a Takeaway Alcohol Management System (TAMS) commenced within the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley on Monday 14 December 2015.
The initiative, introduced by the Kununurra Wyndham Alcohol Accord, is aimed at reducing crime, violence and anti-social behaviour within the community due to the misuse of alcohol.
The Shire encourages community feedback on the system and to ensure any system issues are addressed by the Alcohol Accord. All feedback can be forwarded to the Community Development Officer at mail@swek.wa.gov.au.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is a Takeaway Alcohol Management System?
A. A Takeaway Alcohol Management System (TAMS) is a simple scanning technology system that implements a daily alcohol purchase limit. The scanners use legal personal identification to allow licensees to register how much an individual has purchased on any one particular day, across all takeaway liquor outlets within the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley. This practice will assist licensees in ensuring the restrictions for takeaway alcohol are being adhered to.
Q. Why is TAMS being implemented?
A. The misuse of alcohol is a significant problem within our community. Aside from links to numerous social issues such as crime, violence, anti-social behaviour, and low school attendance, it also places a strain on valuable resources within
the community such as policing and health care. Although the implementation of liquor restrictions within the community have been beneficial, one
barrier is the difficulty in enforcing them.
The Kununurra Wyndham Alcohol Accord believe that the implementation of the TAMS will be of great value to the community, and if successful, to the whole of the Kimberley region. The TAMS will be implemented for a 12 month trial period.
Q. How will this affect me?
A. If you currently purchase within the limits of the alcohol restrictions, this will have no impact other than you having to provide identification when purchasing alcohol.
Q. When will TAMS be implemented?
A. The TAMS technology will be installed ready for the trial to commence on 14 December 2015. The trial will run for a 12 month period. The Kununurra Wyndham Alcohol Accord have sought assistance from external organisations to design a comprehensive evaluation mechanism to assess the trial. The results of the trial will determine if TAMS will continue within our community in the future.
Q. Are licensees required to install TAMS within their premises?
A. The local licensees that offer takeaway alcohol sales have agreed to participate in the 12 month TAMS trial. This will exclude The Hoochery as the licensee already has restrictions in effect that are in excess to the other licensees.
Q. What are the current restrictions for takeaway alcohol?
A. The current restrictions for takeaway alcohol in Kununurra and Wyndham are:
Alcohol Strength |
Trading Hours |
Quantity (per person, per day) |
a) |
Low Strength alcohol (i.e. 2.7% or less) |
Monday to Saturday 12pm to 8pm |
No limit |
b) |
Mid to Full Strength alcohol (i.e. 2.7% to 7%) |
Monday to Saturday 12pm to 8pm |
11.25 litres (e.g. one carton of beer) |
c) |
Full Strength alcohol (i.e. 7% to 15%) |
Monday to Saturday 12pm to 8pm |
2.25 litres (e.g. three bottles of wine) |
d) |
Greater than 15% (e.g. some spirits, wine) |
Monday to Saturday 12pm to 8pm |
1 litre |
** Liquor may be purchased in the quantities specific in either (b) or (c) or (d) or a combination of (b) and (c).
In addition to the liquor restrictions above, the following liquor restrictions exist for the entire Kimberley regions:
- Takeaway liquor may not be sold:
- in individual containers more than one litre of liquor with an alcohol content of 6% or more (for example, wine casks or more than one litre); and
- in glass bottles of 400ml or more of beer
Q. Will the current alcohol restrictions change now that TAMS is implemented?
A. No, the current restirctions will remain the same. The only difference will be that the system assists licensees in identifying when an individual has already purchased alcohol on that particular day.
Q. Will I be able to purchase larger amounts of alcohol if required, for example for a special event of party?
A. As per the current liquor restrictions, special exemptions apply to people pre-ordering for a bulk purchase of alcohol. If you would like to purchase larger amounts of alcohol you will need to complete a Kununurra Wyndham Liquor Accord Form which can be obtained from one of the local takeaway alcohol outlets. The form will then be submitted to the local Police for approval. This needs to be completed at least 72 hours in advance of collection.
Q. Can I puchase alcohol from more than one outlet?
A. The TAMS information is shared with all of the licensees
which allows you to purchase your allocated amount of
alcohol from more than one outlet.
Q. How long will it take to process my transaction?
A. The process should have minimal impact on the time
that it takes to process your transaction.
Q. What identification will be accepted for the TAMS?
A. The sale and supply of alcohol in Western Australia is governed by the Liquor Control Act 1988. It is illegal to sell or supply alcohol to anyone under the age of 18 years on licensed premises. There are only three acceptabe forms of photo identification (ID):
- current Australian Driver's Licence with photograph
- current Passport
- current Australian Proof of Age card
In accordance with the Liquor Control Act 1988, you will be required to produce one of the above mentioned forms of photo ID to purchase liquor.
Q. What happens if I do not have any acceptable identification at the time of purchase?
A. You will not be permitted to purchase liquor unless you produce one of the following acceptable photo identification (ID):
- current Australian Driver's Licence with photograph
- current Passport
- current Australian Proof of Age card
Q. What if I do not have access to any acceptable forms of identification?
A. If you do not have access to any acceptable forms of identification you will not be able to purchase alcohol. You will need to organise an acceptable form of identification. It is for this reason that the implementation of the system has been widely advertised, to allow adequate time for people to obtain the necessary identification and gain knowledge of the system.
Q. How will people find out about the requirement for identification for the purchase of alcohol?
A. The requirements for identification, and other information relating to the introduction of TAMS, has been advertised and made available to the community through a media campaign and engagement plan.
Q. What are the associated costs to the community for TAMS?
A. The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, on behalf of the Kununurra Wyndham Alcohol Accord, has successfully obtained the funding required for the implementation of a 12 month TAMS trial within the Shire from Regional Development Australia (RDA) and the Kimberley Zone of WALGA.
Q. Will my personal information be stored within the system?
A. As the TAMS technology require your information to identify you and the amount of alcohol you have purchased for that day to ensure limits arent exceeded, your information will be stored within the system until the end of that particular day. The information will then be erased. No personal information will be used for statistics.
Q. Will information be stored on the amount of alcohol I purchase?
A. Only for a period of up to 24 hours and it is only the amount that is registered (i.e. 24 bottles of beer or 1 x 750ml bottle of spirits)
Q. What happens if I attempt to purchase more than the amount allowed under the regulatons?
A. The TAMS will show a red screen and that the purchase is not to proceed as the daily allowance has been exceeded and service will be refused.
Q. What happens if I am falsely denied a purchase? (i.e. there is no reason for refusal)
A. The system uses advanced diagnostic tools to ensure that the scanners are working correctly which ensure any potential error with the system is detected before it becomes an issue. If you are falsely denied a purchase you can complete a customer request form available from the licensee. Your request will be investigated and you will be advised of the outcome.
Q. What happens if the system breaks down?
A. If the system experiences technical difficulties and malfunctions, the licensee will revert to processing your purchase as normal so this will not cause any interuption to the customer. Once the system is back online the operator will commence the use of the system.
Q. What happens if there are problems identified with the TAMS, i.e. regular malfunctions?
A. The system uses advanced diagnostic tools to ensure that the scanners are working correctly which ensure any potential error with the system is detected before it becomes a significant issue, however if there are regular malfunctions of the system that are unable to be rectified, the Kununurra Wyndham Alcohol Accord may choose to end the trial, or locate an alternative provider.