2412_Unconfirmed _Minutes_Audit_Finance_and_Risk_Committee_-_9_December_2024 (1.62 MB)
2412_Agenda_Audit_Finance_and_Risk_Committee_-_9_December_2024 (699.03 KB)
7.1.1 Attachment 1 - MOR-2000 Audit (Finance and Risk) Committee TOR N-50138 - DRAFT (209.16 KB) 7.1.2 Attachment 2 - MOR-2000 Audit (Finance and Risk) Committee TOR N-50138 - Existing (267.94 KB) 7.7.1 Attachment 1 - Financial Management of Long Life Assets (5.56 MB) 7.8.1 Attachment 1 - 2025 Council Meeting, Briefing and Committee Meeting Dates Table Format - Proposed Dates (103.81 KB)
7.1.1 Attachment 1 - MOR-2000 Audit (Finance and Risk) Committee TOR N-50138 - DRAFT (209.16 KB)
7.1.2 Attachment 2 - MOR-2000 Audit (Finance and Risk) Committee TOR N-50138 - Existing (267.94 KB)
7.7.1 Attachment 1 - Financial Management of Long Life Assets (5.56 MB)
7.8.1 Attachment 1 - 2025 Council Meeting, Briefing and Committee Meeting Dates Table Format - Proposed Dates (103.81 KB)