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Local Laws

Note: From 1 November 2013 the Dog Amendment Act removed a local government’s ability to make local laws in respect of dog exercise areas.  In order to relieve local governments from having to remove these provisions from their local law making process set out in section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995.

A local government may, by absolute majority as defined in the Local Government Act 1995 section 1.4, specify a public place, or a class of public place, that is under the care, control or management of the local government to be a place where dogs are prohibited —

(a) at all times; or

(b) at specified times.

Reference Council decision 13.3.2 Dogs in Public Places – 29 July 2014

As a result of the Council decision Lot 2370 Celebrity Tree Park is now a Dog on Lead area only.