2024 Extraordinary Local Government Elections - Nominated Candidate
The following candidates have been nominated for the 2024 Extraordinary Local Government Elections (Listed in order of application received) :
GALLO, Denise
I live in Kununurra and work across the Kimberley region. Mother of a large family, I strongly connect to the needs of families.
From a European background, I promote cultural diversity.
Assisting in the Council is a duty and a privilege, engaging in constructive conversations to improve social outcomes.
A registered Social Worker, I am a competent writer, with a specific interest in public funding applications, accessibility of services and information.
I am particularly aware of safety concerns in our communities and have a strong commitment to building a safer and more enjoyable environment for us all, through a sustainable and space-based approach.
In many different occasions and across the world I have worked and contributed to Tourism and still have a keen interest in this sector, as it supports and nourishes our region.
I am a strong communicator, if elected I shall be approachable and listen to local voices, as I have always done.
Mobile: 0455 282 922 Postal Address: PO Box 815 Kununurra 6743 Email: dcgallo67@gmail.com
TIMMS, Scott

Hi, I'm Scott Timms
I'm lucky to have grown up in this amazing and diverse area. I live and work in Wyndham with my partner, Simahli. As a ratepayer, I'm invested in the development of our region. I understand a range of sectors, having worked at Wyndham High School, Supermarket & the Iron Ore. I now work at the Wyndham Port. I'm an active volunteer and president of the Crocs Footy club. I'm passionate about the betterment of our community. It is important that local government is open & accountable. I'm approachable & have a willingness to listen, and believe I can offer fresh ideas to adapt our region for the future. Issues that are important to me:
- Representation for residents outside of Kununurra
- Improving Wyndham boat ramp & foreshore
- Maintaining SWEK buildings, sporting facilities and parks
- Addressing Youth issues
- Making sure SWEK communications are easy to read & understand.
I hope to become a part of a team that ensures SWEK has steady & sustainable growth.
Mobile: 0458 543 109 Postal Address: 11 Kwinana street WYNDHAM 6740 Email: scott.herro@gmail.com

I've been a Kununurra resident for 44 years. I am a qualified town and regional planner and have been a Justice of the Peace for over 36 years.
With my family we have developed a small farm in the Ord Irrigation Area. I'm in the process of redeveloping that farm into a 'state of the art' mango enterprise.
Retired from the State Public Service, after 44 years including establishing the Kimberley Development Commission and working in many senior regional roles.
Some of the more prominent projects I have been closely involved in are the expansion of the Ord Scheme, the MG Native Title settlement, housing projects across the region and town renewal in Broome. I have sound relationships into many areas in Government, industry and the community.
I have strong commitments to professionalism, accountability and ethical and inclusive decision-making. Current Board member of the of the Wunan Foundation, V/Commander of Marine Rescue East Kimberley, and Director of Gumala Investments P/L.
Mobile: 0419 907 668 Postal Address: po box 69 KUNUNURRA 6743 Email: jeff.goodingbees@gmail.com

I have been part of the East Kimberley community for 15 years. During that time our family has been privileged to call Wyndham and Kununurra home.
I have represented our community on various advisory boards as a senior health professional and local business owner, and actively support local sporting organisations including as secretary for the Kununurra Sporties Lawn Bowls club.
I am committed to:
- Representing the interests of all residents, ensuring that their voices are heard and considered.
- Working collaboratively with current councillors, stakeholders, and council staff to address key issues facing our shire such as housing, workforce, safety and childcare concerns.
- Advocating for policies and initiatives that promote sustainable development, economic growth, and the overall well-being of residents.
I am passionate about making a positive difference in our community and believe that serving as a Shire Councillor is an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to its future.
Mobile: 0402 021 937 Postal Address: PO Box 480 KUNUNURRA 6743 Email: kyzza101@hotmail.com
HUDSON, Leanne

Hello, I'm Leanne Hudson
I first arrived in Kununurra late 2019. At the time, my Husband worked and I stayed at home looking after our 3 month old and upon moving we realised the difference in support for new families. It's been encouraging to see the progress made but there is still so much that needs to be done.
Since then, we have bought a house in Lakeside, I have worked with the East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and currently employed as Chief Financial Officer for Northern Protective Services. I also participate as a board member for the Kununurra Warriors Boxing Club.
There are obvious issues that surround our shire that need attention, our roads, crime, childcare, housing, but there are other, more hidden, and complex hurdles that we face to ensure the sustainability of the East Kimberley.
I would like to be a voice in council, to advocate for these issues and more and listen to what people and businesses need from their Shire.
Mobile: 0455 658 943 Postal Address: 9 Sandalwood Street, KUNUNURRA 6743 Email: leanne.hudson@nprotect.com.au
LEWIS, Joshua

Hi I'm Joshua Lewis.
I am a local Aboriginal man, born and raised in Wyndham, connection to 2 large language groups that fall within the SWEK boundary. I live and work in Knx for a number of years, I gained working experiences in Mining, Private, Government, Tourism and NGO sectors. I have a High Voltage Electrician trade, then on to managerial positions.
My passion for advocacy, development of community and change within the EK. The current Chair of Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation, being a director and gaining understanding and knowledge of good governance practices. I am visible in many areas, being a football coach, participation in Netball, Football, NAIDOC, Domestic Violence march and many more.
I have developed many leadership roles the communities I live in, in my workplaces and amongst community members this partnered with my understanding of the socio-economic issues will greatly benefit SWEK, the communities for success!
I apply for this role to be the voice of the people.
Mobile: 0402 449 467 Email: josh@dadaru.com.au

I have lived in Kununurra since 2007, after a year long cycle tour with my wife Jackie to find the best place in the world.
My passion for the region has seen me contribute significantly to the Social and Economic well-being of the community. I proudly manage the largest annual sporting event in the Kimberley, generating over $2M annually for the local economy. I also work for Royal Life Saving and involved in many sports and community events.
Achievements include WA Event of the Year, EK Small Business and EK Service to Sport Awards.
I want to use my passion, skills, and experience to ensure The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley reaches its full potential. At a time when much of Northern Australia is under increasing pressures, I want to focus my energy to ensure Wyndham East Kimberley emerges Socially and Economically buoyant. Our region is amazing, I wish to lift local governance to a level that aligns with Wyndham East Kimberley's full potential.
Mobile: 0407 289 238 Postal Address: PO Box 1984 KUNUNURRA 6743 Email: GT@fitevents.com.au
2024 Extraordinary Local Government Elections - Call for Nominations Notice
An Ordinary Postal Election will be held on Friday, 12 April 2024 in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley to fill the following vacancies:
District |2 Councillors | 1 year terms
Nominations Open on Wednesday 21 February 2024
Nominations Close at 4:00pm Wednesday 28 February 2024
Nominations must be lodged with the Returning Officer:
- at any time during the above period by arrangement; or
- between 2:00pm and 4:00pm Wednesday, 28 February 2024 (close of nominations) at the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, 20 Coolibah Dr, KUNUNURRA.
Nominations Requirements
Candidates are required to lodge with the Returning Officer:
- completed nomination in the prescribed form, signed and witnessed. This form is available from the Returning Officer or the Western Australian Electoral Commission (www.elections.wa.gov.au);
- a single A4 page profile of not more than 1,000 characters (including spaces) containing information about the candidate;
- a nomination deposit of $100 (cash, EFT, bank cheque or postal order);
- a recent passport-sized photograph (optional);
- every candidate must have completed the online course titled Local Government Candidate Induction, available at www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au, prior to nominating; and
- (optional) in addition to your A4 profile, you may provide additional information that you consider to be relevant to your candidature. This written statement must be not more than 2,000 characters (including spaces), must be in the English language and is for publication on the local government’s official website.
The Commission has developed an online system called Nomination Builder to assist candidates to complete their nomination form which includes the candidate profile. This is the preferred method of completing the nomination form and profile for elections conducted by the Commission. Candidates complete their nomination details and profile, print the completed form which has a reference number allocated and lodge it with the Returning Officer. The nomination builder can be accessed via www.elections.wa.gov.au.
You cannot use Nomination Builder to prepare the additional information. Where an agent lodges a nomination on a candidate’s behalf, it must be in the prescribed form with a written authorisation signed by the candidate. The documents may be hand delivered or posted to the Returning Officer and must be received by the close of nominations.
Full details about eligibility and nomination procedures for prospective candidates can be obtained by contacting the Returning Officer, Lincoln HEADING on 0488 667 367 or the Western Australian Electoral Commission on 13 63 06.
2024 Extraordinary Election Close of Enrolments
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley
ROLL CLOSE: 5:00 PM Thursday, 15 February 2024
You may be eligible to be enrolled to vote in the local government extraordinary election on Friday, 12 April 2024 if you live in or are an owner or occupier of rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley.
Residents You are automatically enrolled to vote if you are on the State Electoral Roll as at 5.00pm Thursday, 15 February 2024. If you are not already on the State Electoral Roll and meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have changed address recently, you must complete an enrolment form.
Enrolment Forms You can enrol or update your details online, or download an enrolment form, via the Western Australian Electoral Commission website (www.elections.wa.gov.au/enrol). Forms are also available from the Australian Electoral Commission (http://www.aec.gov.au/). Enrolments and updates must be completed and received by 5.00pm Thursday, 15 February 2024.
Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers If you are a non-resident owner or occupier of rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley and are on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, you are eligible to enrol to vote. If you are not on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll and own or occupy rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley you may be eligible to enrol to vote. This applies if you were on the last electoral roll for the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley prior to May 1996 and have owned or occupied rateable property in the district continuously since this time. Please contact your local government for details. Owners of land who were on the last Local Government roll continue to retain that status until they cease to own the rateable property to which the enrolment relates. Occupiers do not have continuous enrolment and should contact the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley to confirm their enrolment status. To be eligible to enrol as an occupier, you would have needed to have a right of occupation and paid rent of at least the prescribed amount for the whole period of 12 months prior to making the claim and need to have a right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument and be liable to pay rent for at least the prescribed amount for at least the next three months following the date of the application to enrol.
Joint Owners and Occupiers If a rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two people, a majority of the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.
Corporations A body corporate that owns or occupies rateable property may nominate two people who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll to enrol as owner/occupier electors.
Claims – Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Only An eligibility claim must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer by 5.00pm Thursday, 15 February 2024. Further information can be obtained from the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley.
13 63 06

2023 Local Government Elections
Have you received your postal voting packages yet for the Local Government Elections? It should have reached your mailbox by now. You can return it via the pre-paid envelope provided with your voting package or drop it in the ballot box at the Kununurra or Wyndham Administration Office before 21 October 2023. The following Candidates have been nominated for the Shire President Vote.

It has been a privilege to be Shire President of SWEK for the past six years. Working in a very collaborative and constructive way with a great team of councillors to provide strategic direction to the CEO and his team has been very rewarding. Making sure council operates smoothly and effectively is my key focus. This is vital to achieving improved liveability outcomes.
Getting the airport upgrades started, water park built, and funds to construct some new roads and upgrades some old ones have been welcome recent projects.
Taking every opportunity to meet and influence key decision makers to achieve better outcomes for our community is my second focus. Regular meetings with the leaders in our town and visiting and welcoming Parliamentary Members and department officials to our Shire. As chair of the Kimberly Regional Group of Shires we have successfully achieved funding for the Tanami Road to be sealed.
A Shire President should be trusted to provide good governance and strong advocacy. After meeting my wife on a Pilbara Station. I arrived in Kununurra, from Victoria, in 1992, with our toddler and camping trailer to take up a job on a local farm. Our four children have been raised here and all share in our love of the bush and outdoor activities. After a brief stint in the tourism industry, managing a caravan park, we went on to develop our farming business – Barradale Farm.
I chair and sit on several boards, with interests in both Wyndham and Kununurra, helps me have a greater understanding of our community needs.
I have welcomed the opportunity to in act efficient procedures, to keep the council moving in a positive direction, to be able to focus on the goals desired by our community. By developing an atmosphere of trust to allow councillors to challenge each other with their views to achieve the best possible outcomes.
I feel so fortunate to have come to this area with my family and want the best for our community.
Mobile: 0409 691 386
Postal Address: PO Box 350 KUNUNURRA 6743
Email: barradale@wn.com.au

I have decided to nominate for the position of President of your Shire at the forthcoming elections in October.
My profile shows I have enjoyed years of experience as a Councillor on the SWEK team. Arriving in Wyndham in 1969 and opening the first Pharmacy in the East Kimberley I have progressed through, and operated many successful, and much needed businesses in both towns and enjoyed every minute. Having recently closed one of our smaller businesses (the Little RED cars) I am finding that little extra time to re-commit back to my Shire that I love so much.
I am passionately involved in the Shire with 2K Tours, our tour and charter operations and I continuously notice matters that need attending to. Jobs well started, but sadly failing to move to completion within a reasonable time. It is my wish (and I guess most people as well) that we encourage all to take pride in their job, pride in a job well done and not to do something so that it passes at a quick glance. With a dedicated team WE CAN ACHIEVE, and it is my ambition to lead this team. With 9 equally dedicated and hard-working Councillors together with an efficient Administration section we can make a Shire and two towns that all are proud to call home and raise a young family.
The appearance of both Wyndham and Kununurra is very important if we are to continue to attract visitors to see the East Kimberley. Street trees, verges and vacant lots all need attention if we are to continue being a safe area for all. We all need to be much more aware of the ongoing litter problem.
There is still much to be done and good leadership backing up a good team will achieve. The Shire does not have a bottomless pit and finances MUST be handled well, with strict controls by Councillors and Administration of wastage, we will, over time achieve all our wishes.
Together we can do it but I need your help so at the postal vote for the October election I really do need you to vote KEITH WRIGHT [1] for the President position.
Mobile: 0427 633 455 Postal Address: PO Box 1019 KUNUNURRA 6743 Email: admin@2ktours.com.au
2023 Local Government Elections - Nominated Candidates
The following candidates have been nominated for the 2023 Local Government Elections (Listed in order of application received) :
Bradley, KYNE

I have enjoyed the past 18 months serving the community as a Shire Councillor. It would be a great honour to serve this amazing community for a further four year term.
Our region has many opportunities ahead, and I wish to represent each and everyone of our residents and advocate for change.
I will always strive to achieve the most practical and sustainable outcomes for our towns and our people.
Place your trust in me again, and as always reach out and have a chat
Email: bradleykyne@gmail.com

I have been a ratepayer in Kununurra for 18 years. I work for Cambridge Gulf Ltd and have been a Councillor for SWEK since 2017.
I am currently involved in the redevelopment of the Cambridge Hotel and have developed the Kununurra Carwash and the Wyndham Logistics Workshop. I am an advocate for developing our region.
I support strong core services and infrastructure across the Shire, our achievements have included improving town drainage and self-performing capacity, linked footpaths, increased lighting, installing CCTV, increased greenspace, and improvement in key roads. We have delivered improved sporting infrastructure, the Splash Park, and Stage 1 of the Airport Taxiway upgrade.
Our Council continues to work strongly on delivering additional stages of the Airport upgrade, the all-abilities play area and deliver a sustainable and maintainable play space master plan, the Leisure centre redevelopment, and delivering on Wyndham Boat ramp facility.
Mobile: 0409 582 277 Email: mat@cgltd.com.au Postal Address: 0409 582 277 Social Network Address: LinkedIn

It has been a privilege to be Shire President of SWEK for the past six years. Working in a very collaborative and constructive way with a great team of councillors to provide strategic direction to the CEO and his team has been very rewarding. Making sure council operates smoothly and effectively is my key focus. This is vital to achieving improved liveability outcomes.
Getting the airport upgrades started, water park built, and funds to construct some new roads and upgrades some old ones have been welcome recent projects.
Taking every opportunity to meet and influence key decision makers to achieve better outcomes for our community is my second focus. Regular meetings with the leaders in our town and visiting and welcoming Parliamentary Members and department officials to our Shire. As chair of the Kimberly Regional Group of Shires we have successfully achieved funding for the Tanami Road to be sealed.
A Shire President should be trusted to provide good governance and strong advocacy. After meeting my wife on a Pilbara Station. I arrived in Kununurra, from Victoria, in 1992, with our toddler and camping trailer to take up a job on a local farm. Our four children have been raised here and all share in our love of the bush and outdoor activities. After a brief stint in the tourism industry, managing a caravan park, we went on to develop our farming business – Barradale Farm.
I chair and sit on several boards, with interests in both Wyndham and Kununurra, helps me have a greater understanding of our community needs.
I have welcomed the opportunity to in act efficient procedures, to keep the council moving in a positive direction, to be able to focus on the goals desired by our community. By developing an atmosphere of trust to allow councillors to challenge each other with their views to achieve the best possible outcomes.
I feel so fortunate to have come to this area with my family and want the best for our community.
Mobile: 0409 691 386
Postal Address: PO Box 350 KUNUNURRA 6743
Email: barradale@wn.com.au

I have decided to nominate for the position of President of your Shire at the forthcoming elections in October.
My profile shows I have enjoyed years of experience as a Councillor on the SWEK team. Arriving in Wyndham in 1969 and opening the first Pharmacy in the East Kimberley I have progressed through, and operated many successful, and much needed businesses in both towns and enjoyed every minute. Having recently closed one of our smaller businesses (the Little RED cars) I am finding that little extra time to re-commit back to my Shire that I love so much.
I am passionately involved in the Shire with 2K Tours, our tour and charter operations and I continuously notice matters that need attending to. Jobs well started, but sadly failing to move to completion within a reasonable time. It is my wish (and I guess most people as well) that we encourage all to take pride in their job, pride in a job well done and not to do something so that it passes at a quick glance. With a dedicated team WE CAN ACHIEVE, and it is my ambition to lead this team. With 9 equally dedicated and hard-working Councillors together with an efficient Administration section we can make a Shire and two towns that all are proud to call home and raise a young family.
The appearance of both Wyndham and Kununurra is very important if we are to continue to attract visitors to see the East Kimberley. Street trees, verges and vacant lots all need attention if we are to continue being a safe area for all. We all need to be much more aware of the ongoing litter problem.
There is still much to be done and good leadership backing up a good team will achieve. The Shire does not have a bottomless pit and finances MUST be handled well, with strict controls by Councillors and Administration of wastage, we will, over time achieve all our wishes.
Together we can do it but I need your help so at the postal vote for the October election I really do need you to vote KEITH WRIGHT [1] for the President position.
Mobile: 0427 633 455 Postal Address: PO Box 1019 KUNUNURRA 6743 Email: admin@2ktours.com.au
I have called Kununurra my home for the last 21 years, during that period I have owned and operated a small business with my partner. I have been a Councillor, Chair of the Ord Valley Events Board and Secretary of the Lake Kununurra Barramundi Stocking Group. I am well experienced with Government departments and bring Board and leadership skills. If elected I will execute this office with integrity, honest, and a community focus
Postal Address: PO Box 1103 KUNUNURRA 6743 Email: beaudavid76@gmail.com
2023 Local Government Elections - Call for Nominations Notice
An Ordinary Postal Election will be held on Saturday, 21 October 2023 in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley to fill the following vacancies:
District | 1 | President | 4 year term
District | 3 | Councillors | 4 year terms
District | 1 | Councillor | 2 year term
Nominations Open on Thursday, 31 August 2023
Nominations Close at 4:00pm Thursday, 7 September 2023
Nominations must be lodged with the Returning Officer:
- at any time during the above period by arrangement; or
- between 2:00pm and 4:00pm Thursday, 7 September 2023 (close of nominations) at the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, 20 Coolibah Dr, KUNUNURRA.
Nominations Requirements
Candidates are required to lodge with the Returning Officer:
- completed nomination in the prescribed form, signed and witnessed. This form is available from the Returning Officer or the Western Australian Electoral Commission (www.elections.wa.gov.au);
- a single A4 page profile of not more than 1,000 characters (including spaces) containing information about the candidate;
- a nomination deposit of $100 (cash, EFT, bank cheque or postal order);
- a recent passport-sized photograph (optional);
- every candidate must have completed the online course titled Local Government Candidate Induction, available at www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au, prior to nominating; and
- (optional) in addition to your A4 profile, you may provide additional information that you consider to be relevant to your candidature. This written statement must be not more than 2,000 characters (including spaces), must be in the English language and is for publication on the local government’s official website.
The Commission has developed an online system called Nomination Builder to assist candidates to complete their nomination form which includes the candidate profile. This is the preferred method of completing the nomination form and profile for elections conducted by the Commission. Candidates complete their nomination details and profile, print the completed form which has a reference number allocated and lodge it with the Returning Officer. The nomination builder can be accessed via www.elections.wa.gov.au.
You cannot use Nomination Builder to prepare the additional information. Where an agent lodges a nomination on a candidate’s behalf, it must be in the prescribed form with a written authorisation signed by the candidate.
The documents may be hand delivered or posted to the Returning Officer and must be received by the close of nominations.
Full details about eligibility and nomination procedures for prospective candidates can be obtained by contacting the Returning Officer, Lincoln HEADING on 0488 667 367 or the Western Australian Electoral Commission on 13 63 06.
2023 Local Government Ordinary Election Close of Enrolments
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley
ROLL CLOSE: 5:00 PM Friday, 25 August 2023
You may be eligible to be enrolled to vote in the local government elections on 21 October 2023 if you live in or are an owner or occupier of rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley.
You are automatically enrolled to vote if you are on the State Electoral Roll as of 5:00 PM Friday, 25 August 2023. If you are not already on the State Electoral Roll and meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have changed address recently, you must complete an enrolment form.
Enrolment Forms
Electoral enrolment forms are available from the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, all Australian Electoral Commission offices (www.aec.gov.au) or the Western Australian Electoral Commission (www.elections.wa.gov.au) and must be completed and reach a Divisional Returning Officer in Western Australia by 5:00 PM Friday, 25 August 2023.
Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers
If you are a non-resident owner or occupier of rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley and are on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, you are eligible to enrol to vote. If you are not on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll and own or occupy rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley you may be eligible to enrol to vote. This applies if you were on the last electoral roll for the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley prior to May 1996 and have owned or occupied rateable property in the district continuously since this time. Please contact your local government for details. Owners of land who were on the last Local Government roll continue to retain that status until they cease to own the rateable property to which the enrolment relates. Occupiers do not have continuous enrolment and should contact the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley to confirm their enrolment status. To be eligible to enrol as an occupier, you will need to have a right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument for at least the next three months following the date of the application to enrol.
Joint Owners and Occupiers
If a rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two people, a majority of the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.
A body corporate that owns or occupies rateable property may nominate two people who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll to enrol as owner/occupier electors.
Enrolment Forms – Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Only
Enrolment forms can be obtained from local governments and must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer by 5:00 PM Friday, 25 August 2023. Further information can be obtained from the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley.
13 63 06

Owner/Occupier Roll Eligibility for Local Elections
If you own property but do not live in the Shire or operate a business in the Shire, you may be eligible to enrol on the owner/occupier roll. To be eligible for this roll, a person must be:
- Registered on the state electoral roll where they live, and
- Either own or have a right of continuous occupation under a lease agreement or other legal instrument of a property within the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley
- The right of continuous occupation must extend for a period of at least three months.
Enrolment on the owner/occupier roll allows a person who is enrolled to vote at one address and owns or occupies the property at a different address, to vote in both areas. Where two or more individuals jointly own or occupy a property, up to two of them may enrol, with the written agreement of a majority of the owners where there are three or more co-owners or occupiers.
Where a company or body corporate owns or occupies rateable land, up to two people can be enrolled to vote on its behalf. If the same company or body corporate owns more than one property in a ward, the body is still only entitled to have two nominated persons on the roll.
Occupiers and occupier nominees remain on the roll for a period of two elections after their enrolment is accepted and then are taken off the roll six months after the second election. They must then re-enrol if they wish to continue as electors. Owners of a rateable property remain on the roll until the property passes ownership.
The Shire encourages all business representatives and property owners to have their say by voting.
To check your enrolment status on the residents roll visit the Western Australian Electoral Commission
2022 Extraordinary Elections - Nominated Candidates
The following candidates have been nominated for the 2022 Extraordinary Elections - Local Government Elections (Listed in order of application received) :
Bradley, KYNE

I have had the honour of being a Kununurra resident since 2013.
I moved to Kununurra for a two-year contract, and during this time I honestly fell in love with the East Kimberley. I quickly decided that I wanted to make this area my home forever. So in 2015, I started a local business, that now employs well over 50 local residents.
I have been involved with many volunteer organisations including 6 years with the local ambulance service.
I am an easily approachable member of the community and thrive on a challenge.
I hope to be able to serve the community and give back to this amazing place.
Mobile: 0417 371 879 Email: bradleykyne@gmail.com

I have lived and worked in northern Australia for the past 42 years and have been a resident of Kununurra since 2014. At age 62, I possess a wealth of experience, knowledge and life skills that will enable me to provide excellent governance and contribute to the processes of local government in a positive manner. Through my lengthy career in senior management across a range of industries I have developed many of the skills necessary to liaise and work with all levels of government.
I have independent views and opinions and will represent the interests of all community members within our shire. I want to give back to the community by providing and improving services and facilities that make our shire prosperous, enjoyable and most importantly a place that we are proud to call home.
Mobile: 0407 756 840 Email: pbagley253@gmail.com

I am a member of the Gija Language Group, I was born in Wyndham, and lived in the Kimberley for most of my life.
I have previous experience as a Councillor in Local Govt, as well as a director on numerous boards of Community Not For Profit organisations.
I have held senior management roles in Community, State and Commonwealth Govt. agencies.
I have established and operated a successful business in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley since 2011.
Postal Address: PO Box 214 Wyndham 6740
2022 Extraordinary Elections - Call for Nominations
An Extraordinary Postal Election will be held on Saturday 12 March 2022 in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley to fill the following vacancies:
Term expires on 21 October 2023
Nominations Open on Thursday, 27 January 2022
Nominations Close at 4:00 PM Thursday, 3 February 2022
Nominations must be lodged with the Returning Officer in person:
- during the above period by appointment or
- between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm weekdays before 4:00 pm Thursday, 3 February 2022 (close of nominations) at the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, 20 Coolibah Drive, KUNUNURRA.
Nominations Requirements
Candidates are required to lodge with the Returning Officer:
- a completed nomination in the prescribed form signed and witnessed. This form is available from the Returning Officer or the Western Australian Electoral Commission(www.elections.wa.gov.au);
- a single A4 page profile of not more than 800 characters (including spaces) containing information about the candidate;
- a nomination deposit of $80 (cash, bank cheque or postal order);
- (optional) a recent passport-sized photograph of the candidate’s head, or head and shoulders; and
- every candidate must have completed the online course titled Induction for prospective candidates, available at www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au, prior to nominating.
- Candidates are strongly encouraged to use the WAEC Nomination Builder https://lgportal.waec.wa.gov.au/nomination/new
The Commission has developed an online system called Nomination Builder to assist candidates to complete their nomination form which includes the candidate profile. This is the preferred method of completing the nomination form and profile for elections conducted by the Commission. Candidates complete their nomination details and profile, print the completed form which has a reference number allocated and lodge it with the Returning Officer. The nomination builder can be accessed via www.elections.wa.gov.au. or https://lgportal.waec.wa.gov.au/nomination/new
Where an agent lodges a nomination on a candidate’s behalf, it must be on the prescribed form with a written authorisation signed by the candidate.
The documents may be hand-delivered or posted to the Returning Officer and must be received by the close of nominations 4:00 PM Thursday, 3 February 2022.
Full details about eligibility and nomination procedures for prospective candidates can be obtained by contacting the Returning Officer, Lincoln HEADING on 0458 802 042 or the Western Australian Electoral Commission on 13 63 06.
2021 Election Results

Ordinary Postal Election Notice
The Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley is holding an election by postal vote on Saturday, 16 October 2021 to fill vacancies in the offices of Councillors as listed below:
District | 5 Councillors
BROOK, Narelle
KYNE, Bradley
MENZEL, David Douglas
MCNEIL, Chelsea
CHAFER, Anthony
Election Packages will be sent to all electors on the local government electoral roll where there is an election in their electorate.
Replacement Packages can be obtained from the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, 20 Coolibah Street Kununurra & Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, Koolama Street, Wyndham during business hours prior to election day and from 8.00am to 6.00pm on election day if the package is not received or should any papers be missing.
Post your vote early. Completed postal voting packages must reach the Returning Officer by 6.00 pm on election day, Saturday, 16 October 2021.
You may hand-deliver your package to an electoral officer at the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, 20 Coolibah Street, Kununurra & Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, Koolama Street, Wyndham during business hours before election day or at any polling place in the district between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm on election day.
Chief Polling Place: Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, 20 Coolibah Drive, KUNUNURRA
Other Polling Place: Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, Koolama Street, WYNDHAM
The count of votes will commence at 6.00 pm at the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley Council Chambers, 20 Coolibah Drive, KUNUNURRA.
13 63 06

2021 Local Government Election Candidates
On Tuesday 31 August 2021, there was an information session held at the Kununurra Shire Office, to view the slides from the session please click here.
The following candidates have been nominated for the 2021 Local Government Elections (Listed in order of application received) :
Name |
Candidate Profile |
David Douglas, MENZEL

It has been a privilege to lead the SWEK as President, along with a great team of Councillors, and also watching the change following the recruitment of the new CEO.
A very productive Council and CEO relationship has ensured priority projects are shovel ready. This is critical as external funding is required to deliver much of the infrastructure identified in our community survey.
I believe stable local leadership, strong and effective advocacy, and clear alignment between the Kimberley Shires are critical to achieving the best future for our residents.
A diverse and robust economic base is key to delivering improved livability for our residents. This can only be achieved with better social outcomes for the community and protecting our magnificent nature environment
Mobile: 0409 691 386 Postal Address: PO Box 350, Kununurra 6743 Email: barradale@wn.com.au
Anthony, CHAFER

I have spent all of my adulthood in the northwest, the majority living in Kununurra. My wife is from Wyndham and we have three daughters.
I have represented the community on a range of committees including the Ewin Centre, School Council, Gelanyem Trust, Chamber of Commerce, District Health Advisory Committee, Volunteer Fire Brigade, Ord Valley Events and SWEK.
I am CEO of a local company that plays a vital role in the EK economy through our management of the Wyndham Port and I believe a strong united Shire will ensure our region plays a significant role in, and benefits from, the development of northern Australia.
My desire is to be part of a stable respectful Council as 1 of 9 community-driven councillors who provide leadership and support a Shire team that works for our community.
Mobile: 0408 097 832 Email: tony@cgltd.com.au

Warren O'Rafferty has lived in Kununurra for over thirty years and is a well-known member of the community.
He is passionate about social and economic development, ensuring financial sustainability for the region and a happy and healthy future for the people who live here.
During his time in the East Kimberley, Warren has picked bananas, established the first Fish & Chip shop in Kununurra, skippered boat cruises along with the Ord, run a mango fam on Packsaddle Road, stacked shelves at Coles, worked in security at the airport, managed industrial and residential properties, and looked after his four children - all born in Kununurra.
The people of the East Kimberley can rely on Warren to work for the betterment of all members of society and the goal of making a great region even greater.
Mobile: 0438 652 298 Email: warrenorafferty@hotmail.com

I have lived in Kununurra since 1995 and throughout that time, have been a very strong advocate for all this East Kimberley. I have written award-winning submissions for local businesses/events. hosted media groups and travel agents from around the world for Tourism Western Australia and represented our region at tourism trade/travel shows across the country. I am a founding member of the Ord Valley Muster, the East Kimberley Marketing Group and am Secretary of the Rotary Club of Kununurra.
I would like to continue my time as a Councillor with the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley as I feel that I have provided an effective voice for tourism and believe that collectively, we have created a strong foundation and a progressive team delivering strong leadership and outcome for the community.
Mobile: 0407 476 406 Email: selleran@agn.net.au

Being a father, I know the importance of creating a place where our children can be safe, connected, and enjoy our incredible environment. I also know the importance of developing a place where the community as a whole can thrive.
I look to represent the young and future families of the East Kimberley and in doing so, see more of our community continue to call this beautiful place home.
As an engineer, I will bring my experience in project management, proposal development, strategic planning, and economic development to Council and pursue a sustainable liveability agenda, incorporating secure housing, public realm development, safety, childcare, and education. I believe that through focusing on these areas, we can underpin our future success as a region.
Mobile: 0403 845 569 Email: dylan.hearty@outlook.com
Bradley, KYNE

I have had the honour of being a Kununurra resident since 2013.
I moved to Kununurra for a two-year contract, and during this time I honestly fell in love with the East Kimberley. I quickly decided that I wanted to make this area my home forever. So in 2015, I started a local business, that now employs well over 50 local residents.
I have been involved with many volunteer organisations including 6 years with the local ambulance service.
I am an easily approachable member of the community and thrive on a challenge.
I hope to be able to serve the community and give back to this amazing place.
Mobile: 0417 371 879 Email: bradleykyne@gmail.com

Keith Wright has called our shire home for over 50 years and owned/operated businesses in Wyndham / Kununurra firstly as a Pharmacist and currently as a tour and charter operator (including the little red cars with green roof lights)
A vote for me will allow my 30 years as a Councillor experience to be put to good use to help us all.
- I am a permanent resident; I don't come and go like some appear to
- I am readily contactable, day or night
- I am your ears and eyes. I see and say what others avoid
- I'll strive for our runway extension
- I'll work toward better street lighting
- I am enthusiastic about OUR shire
- I can be relied upon for the long term
For honest, straightforward, down to earth action, your vote will not be wasted This is OUR town and I am eager to help make good
Mobile: 0427 633 455
Chelsea, MCNEIL

I have lived in the East Kimberly for eight years but being relatively young I am unable to bring years of public service to such a role. Despite this I understand that councils represent the community voice and I believe that I can bring your views to council.
‘It takes a Community’ to continue to grow a region. Our views may not always align but the underlying strength of the community is in its diversity. Working together to ensure our region is better tomorrow than it was today is what every council aims for.
I'm currently President of the Netball Association, work with local farming businesses and am a partner in a local business. I hold a qualification in Farm Business Management and believe these experiences have assisted me to further understand issues that impact our community.
Mobile: 0418 835 194 Email: admin@nacknx.com.au

I have lived and worked in Northern Australia for the past 45 years in the Northern Territory and Kimberleys where I have been involved in local, state and federal government departments, projects and developments. In my various management roles I have developed good communication and interpersonal skills that have allowed me to advance my career opportunities.
I have been involved and participated in numerous sporting and industry associations, volunteer organizations and have provided advice and developed projects for state governments. My management has included supervision and management of small to large numbers of employees across a wide range of disciplines. My career has been based in the Agriculture and Pastoral industries but always with strong connections to the local community.
Mobile: 0407 756 840 Email: pbagley253@gmail.com
Call for Nominations Notice
An Ordinary Postal Election will be held on Saturday, 16 October 2021 in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley to fill the following vacancies:
District |
5 |
Councillors |
4 year terms |
Nominations Open on Thursday, 2 September 2021
Nominations Close at 4:00 PM Thursday, 9 September 2021
Nominations must be lodged with the Returning Officer:
- at any time during the above period by arrangement; or
- between 2:00 pm and 4:00 PM Thursday, 9 September 2021 (close of nominations) at the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, 20 Coolibah Drive, KUNUNURRA.
Nominations Requirements
Candidates are required to lodge with the Returning Officer:
- a completed nomination in the prescribed form signed and witnessed. This form is available from the Returning Officer or the Western Australian Electoral Commission(www.elections.wa.gov.au);
- a single A4 page profile of not more than 800 characters (including spaces) containing information about the candidate;
- a nomination deposit of $80 (cash, bank cheque or postal order);
- (optional) a recent passport-sized photograph of the candidate’s head, or head and shoulders; and
- every candidate must have completed the online course titled Induction for prospective candidates, available at www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au, prior to nominating.
The Commission has developed an online system called Nomination Builder to assist candidates to complete their nomination form which includes the candidate profile. This is the preferred method of completing the nomination form and profile for elections conducted by the Commission. Candidates complete their nomination details and profile, print the completed form which has a reference number allocated and lodge it with the Returning Officer. The nomination builder can be accessed via www.elections.wa.gov.au.
Where an agent lodges a nomination on a candidate’s behalf, it must be in the prescribed form with a written authorisation signed by the candidate.
The documents may be hand-delivered or posted to the Returning Officer and must be received by the close of nominations.
Full details about eligibility and nomination procedures for prospective candidates can be obtained by contacting the Returning Officer, Lincoln HEADING on 0458 867 179 or the Western Australian Electoral Commission on 13 63 06.
13 62 06
Local Government Ordinary Election Close of Enrolments
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley
ROLL CLOSE: 5:00 PM Friday, 27 August 2021
You may be eligible to be enrolled to vote in the local government elections on 16 October 2021 if you live in or are an owner or occupier of rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley.
You are automatically enrolled to vote if you are on the State Electoral Roll as of 5:00 PM Friday, 27 August 2021. If you are not already on the State Electoral Roll and meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have changed address recently, you must complete an enrolment form.
Enrolment Forms
Electoral enrolment forms are available from the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley, all Australian Electoral Commission offices (www.aec.gov.au) or the Western Australian Electoral Commission (www.elections.wa.gov.au) and must be completed and reach a Divisional Returning Officer in Western Australia by 5:00 PM Friday, 27 August 2021.
Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers
If you are a non-resident owner or occupier of rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley and are on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, you are eligible to enrol to vote. If you are not on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll and own or occupy rateable property in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley you may be eligible to enrol to vote. This applies if you were on the last electoral roll for the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley prior to May 1996 and have owned or occupied rateable property in the district continuously since this time. Please contact your local government for details. Owners of land who were on the last Local Government roll continue to retain that status until they cease to own the rateable property to which the enrolment relates. Occupiers do not have continuous enrolment and should contact the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley to confirm their enrolment status. To be eligible to enrol as an occupier, you will need to have a right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument for at least the next three months following the date of the application to enrol.
Joint Owners and Occupiers
If a rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two people, a majority of the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.
A body corporate that owns or occupies rateable property may nominate two people who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll to enrol as owner/occupier electors.
Enrolment Forms – Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Only
Enrolment forms can be obtained from local governments and must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer by 5:00 PM Friday, 27 August 2021. Further information can be obtained from the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley.
13 63 06

Owner/Occupier Roll Eligibility for Local Elections
If you own property but do not live in the Shire or operate a business in the Shire, you may be eligible to enrol on the owner/occupier roll. To be eligible for this roll, a person must be:
- Registered on the state electoral roll where they live, and
- Either own or have a right of continuous occupation under a lease agreement or other legal instrument of a property within the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley
- The right of continuous occupation must extend for a period of at least three months.
Enrolment on the owner/occupier roll allows a person who is enrolled to vote at one address and owns or occupies the property at a different address, to vote in both areas. Where two or more individuals jointly own or occupy a property, up to two of them may enrol, with the written agreement of a majority of the owners where there are three or more co-owners or occupiers.
Where a company or body corporate owns or occupies rateable land, up to two people can be enrolled to vote on its behalf. If the same company or body corporate owns more than one property in a ward, the body is still only entitled to have two nominated persons on the roll.
Occupiers and occupier nominees remain on the roll for a period of two elections after their enrolment is accepted and then are taken off the roll six months after the second election. They must then re-enrol if they wish to continue as electors. Owners of a rateable property remain on the roll until the property passes ownership.
The Shire encourages all business representatives and property owners to have their say by voting.
To check your enrolment status on the residents roll visit the Western Australian Electoral Commission
To register your eligibility please download, complete and return the Enrolment eligibility claim form
2019 LG Election Results
The 2019 Ordinary Council Elections have officially concluded with the Western Australian Electoral Commission issuing the Shire's Electoral Report. Please find the WAEC report by clicking here