Imposed Differential Rates and Minimum Payments for 2024/25
Differential Rate Category
2024/2025 Financial Year
General Rate in the Dollar
Minimum Payment
UV - Rural
UV - Pastoral
UV - Mining and Exploration
Proposal to Impose Differential Rates and Minimum Payments for 2024/25
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 April 2024, Council endorsed the following proposed differential rates and minimum payments for advertising. In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995 the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley hereby gives notice of its intention to impose the following differential rates and minimum payments on rateable property for 2024/2025:
Differential Rate Category
2024/2025 Financial Year
General Rate in the Dollar
Minimum Payment
UV - Rural
UV - Pastoral
UV - Mining and Exploration
The rates in the dollar shown above are estimates and may change as part of Council’s deliberations following any submissions received or changes to property valuations. All normal statutory entitlements in relation to rates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply.
The Strategic Rating Policy which is used to determine the GRV (Gross Rental Value) and UV (Unimproved Value) differential rates and minimum payments uses the following principles:
Fairness and Equity
Administrative Efficiency
A copy of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Rating Policy for Differential Rates is available at
A statement of the objects of, and reasons for, the proposed differential rates and minimum payments is available on the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley website: or for inspection at the following locations:
Kununurra Shire Administration Office Wyndham Shire Administration Office
08 9168 4100 08 9161 1200
20 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra Koolama Street, Wyndham
8.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday
Written submissions are invited from electors and ratepayers with respect to the proposed differential rates and minimum payments. Submissions must be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, and either posted to: PO Box 614, Kununurra WA 6743 or emailed to All submissions must be received by 4.00pm on Friday, 24 May 2024 to be considered.
Vernon Lawrence
Chief Executive Officer
FAQ: How can I pay my Rates?
Rates apply from 1st July to 30th June for a financial year. Notices are issued after the Shire has adopted the budget for that financial year.
Once rates notices are issued, ratepayers are provided with various payment and instalment options as shown on the rates notice. The first payment must be made within 35 days of the notice issue date.
Present your rates notice intact to either the Kununurra or Wyndham Administration offices using cash, cheque, or EFTPOS
Pay by Phone - Credit card
Contact the Shire on 08 9168 4100 to pay your rates using your VISA or MASTERCARD
Internet Banking - BPAY and BPoint
Contact your financial institution to make this payment from your account, quoting Biller Code 102376 and the reference number on your rates notice
Click here to make this payment via Credit or Debit Card. Please quote your Biller Code 102376 and the reference number on your rates notice.
Pay by Mail
Detach the lower portion of your rates notice and complete the credit card authority or make your cheque payable to the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley.
If you are having difficulties paying your rates, please contact the Rates Officer immediately on (08) 9168 4100.
FAQ: How can I change my Address?
It is the responsibility of the homeowner to advise the Shire of any change of address or ownership to enable the provision of rates notices. Click on the links below to download Change in Address form or complete our online consent form to have your annual rates notices emailed.
Change of Address Form
Email my Rates Notice
FAQ: Why does the Shire raise rates?
The rates to be applied are determined by the Council on the basis of raising the revenue required to balance the estimated expenditure after all other estimated revenue has been received, for current and future requirements.
The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Council is and will endeavour to be, innovative in looking for alternative ways to fund projects to lessen the impact on ratepayers.
FAQ: What does the Shire provide for my rates?
Services provided under general rates include but are not limited to:
- Public facilities and amenities: swimming pools, libraries, parks and gardens, community centres, reserves and picnic areas, recreation facilities;
- Environmental health, local laws, food safety inspections, control of pests and plants;
- Roads (local roads, not declared main roads), footpaths and bikeways;
- Information services, online services and community development programs;
- Arts and cultural programs, local museums and heritage support, festivals and events;
- Economic development;
- Tourism development, information and support;
- Cemeteries;
- Youth services;
- Community safety; and
- Community leadership and advocacies.
FAQ: How are rates calculated?
The Valuer Generals Office will provide Council with the Gross Rental Value (GRV) or Unimproved Value (UV) for each rateable property and mining tenements located within the Shire.
Properties located in the townships of Kununurra and Wyndham are valued based on a GRV, rural and pastoral properties and mining tenements are valued based on UV. If you would like more information as to how the Valuer-General apportions values to properties, please visit Landgate's website for further details.
Council will then set a Rate-in-the-Dollar (RID) and minimum payment.
Annual rates are calculated by multiplying the property's GRV or UV by the RID.
Example 1:
If the property's GRV is $20,000 and the RID is $0.15 cents and the minimum payment is $1200, then the rates payable will be calculated as follows:
$20,000 x $0.15 = $3000.00
Given that this amount is over the minimum payment, the amount payable is: $3000.00
Example 2:
If the property's GRV is $5,000 and the RID is $0.15 cents and the minimum payment is $1200, then the rates payable will be calculated as follows:
$5,000 x $0.15 = $750.00
Given that this amount is under the minimum payment, the amount payable is: $1200.00
For more information on how your Property Rates are calculated, please visit the WALGA website.
FAQ: How does the Shire set the Rate-in-the-Dollar?
The rate in the dollar is set by Council as part of budget adoption on the basis of balancing estimated expenses as described above. A public notice pursuant to the Local Government Act is published prior to the adoption of the rate in the dollar inviting submissions from electors and ratepayers.
An essential tool also used is the Local Government Cost Index (LGCI) published by the WA Local Government Association. This is a guide to the increasing costs Councils will face in the provision of facilities and services to the Community. This index is a combination of the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and the Construction Index. The LGCI is an important key in forecasting expenses and it is prudent for Council to increase rates to at least the minimum percentage of the LGCI to enable Council to maintain current services.
The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Council has adopted to apply differential rates as permitted under the Local Government Act within the Shire. Differential rates may be applied according to any, or a combination of the properties zoning, usage, or other characteristics. Current differential rating categories are GRV, UV-Rural, UV-Pastoral, UV-Mining and Exploration.
FAQ: Can I object against Land Valuations and Rate Records?
The Valuation of Land Act 1978 (as amended) Part IV sets out how valuation objections may be lodged.
A property owner may lodge an objection against the valuation of a property within 60 days of the date of issue of a rate notice. For information on how your values are calculated and how to lodge an objection, please visit Landgate's website, or alternatively call Landgate Customer Service on +61 (0)8 9273 7373.
Section 6.76 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides the grounds, time and the way individual objections and appeals to the Rates Record may be lodged. An objection to the Rate Book must be made in writing to the council within 42 days of the date of issue of a rates notice.
Section 6.81 of the Local Government Act 1995 refers that rates assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether an objection or appeal has been lodged. In the event of a successful objection or appeal, the rates will be adjusted, and you will be advised accordingly. Credit balances may be refunded on request.
FAQ: What are the other charges on my rates notice?
Apart from rates charges on your Annual Rates Notice you may also incur the following:
Emergency Services Levy:
Since 1 July 2003, all property owners in Western Australia are required to pay the Emergency Services Levy (ESL), introduced by the State Government. This levy funds the career and volunteer Fire and Rescue Service stations, volunteer Bush Fire Brigades, State Emergency Service units and multi-purpose volunteer fire and emergency service units in Western Australia.
All Local Governments across the State are required to collect this levy on behalf of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). This levy is listed as a separate item on the rates notice. After the Shire collects this levy it is then forwarded to DFES.
For further information visit the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.
FAQ: What are Waste Charges?
Under the Health Act WA and Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act WA, it is a requirement of the Shire to ensure the proper disposal of waste and to provide waste collection services to properties located within the townsite.
Waste Management Charge: This charge is an annual charge that contributes to current and future waste management within the Shire. The Waste Management Charge is applied to all rateable properties and mining tenements.
Waste Receptacle Charge: This charge is an annual charge for the properties receiving waste collection services.
FAQ: What are the regulations around Pool/Spa Inspection?
Regulations require that the Shire inspects all private pool and spa enclosures every four years to ensure safety compliance. The regulation states an inspection fee is to be applied. For further information about pool fences, click here.
FAQ: Can I get the Pensioner Concessions?
Pensioners who meet certain criteria are entitled to claim a concession of up to 50% of the current year’s Rates and Emergency Service Levy (ESL). Seniors Cardholders may be entitled to claim a concession of up to 25%.
To receive a concession you must:
- hold an appropriate Pensioner or WA Seniors card; and
- on 1 July of the current financial year own and occupy the property as your ordinary place of residence.
To own means you must:
- be the owner or co-owner of the property registered on the Certificate of Title; or
- have a "right to reside" at the property under the terms of a Will (provided a copy of the appropriate documents are provided).
Concessions are applied to the Rates and ESL only. All other charges must be paid by the due date. These concessions are applicable from the date your application is received by the Water Corporation. To apply for this concession please contact the Water Corporation on 1300 659 951 or visit their website.
Adopted Differential Rates and Minimum Payment 2024/25
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 25 June 2024, Council adopted the differential rates and minimum payments for 2024/25:
Rating Category
Advertised Rates
Adopted Rates
Rate in the Dollar
Minimum Payment
Rate in the Dollar
Minimum Payment
UV-Mining & Exploration
Adopted Differential Rates and Minimum Payment 2023/24
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 27 June 2023, Council adopted the differential rates and minimum payments for 2023/24:
Differential Rate Category
Advertised Rates
Adopted Rates
General Rate in the Dollar
Minimum Payment
General Rate in the Dollar
Minimum Payment
GRV Residential
GRV Other Vacant
GRV Commercial
GRV Industrial
GRV Rural Residential
UV Rural Residential
UV Pastoral
UV Commercial / Industrial
UV Agriculture
UV Horticulture
UV Mining
UV Mining - Exploration and Prospecting
UV Other
The adopted rates in the dollar differ from the advertised rates in the dollar for the following reasons:
- In developing the advertised rating model assumptions are made in relation to changes in property values expected in the annual UV revaluations from the Valuer General
- Following receipt of the annual UV revaluations and consideration of public submissions, the rate in the dollar was amended to ensure uniformity across all rating categories and to achieve the required total rates yield.
The rates in the dollar shown above are estimates and may change as part of the Council’s deliberations of any submissions received or changes to property valuations. All normal statutory entitlements in relation to rates for pensioners and other concession holders will apply.
The Strategic Rating Policy which is used to determine the GRV (Gross Rental Value) and UV (Unimproved Value) differential rates and minimum payments uses the following principles:
- Equity
- Incentive
- Administrative Efficiency
- Compliance
- Sustainability
A statement of objects of, and reasons for, the proposed differential rates and minimum payments forms part of the Strategic Rating Policy and are available for inspection at the following locations:
Kununurra Shire Administration Office
08 9168 4100
20 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra
Between the hours of 8.00am – 4.00pm
Wyndham Shire Administration Office
08 9161 1200
Koolama Street, Wyndham
Between the hours of 8.00am – 4.00pm
Written submissions are invited from electors and ratepayers with respect to the proposed differential rates and minimum payments. The submissions must be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, and either posted to: PO Box 614, Kununurra WA 6743 or emailed to All submissions must be received by 4.00pm on Friday, 26 May 2023 to be considered.
Adopted Differential Rates and Minimum Payment for 2022/23
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 April 2022, Council adopted the following differential rates and minimum payments for 2022/23.
Rates Brochure 22/23
Adopted Differential Rates and Minimum Payment for 2021/22
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 27 April 2021 Council endorsed the following differential rates and minimum payments for advertising
Rates Brochure 21-22
Adopted Differential Rates and Minimum Payments for 2020/21
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 June 2020, Council adopted the following differential rates and minimum payments for 2020/21
Interim Rates Brochure 20-21
Rates Brochure 20-21
Adopted Differential Rates and Minimum Payments for 2019/20
The following differential rates and minimum payments were adopted by Council for 2019/20.
Rates Brochure 19/20
Interim Rates Brochure 19/20
Adopted Differential Rates and Minimum Payments for 2018/19
The following differential rates and minimum payments were adopted by Council for 2018/19
Rates Brochure 18/19
Interim Rates Brochure 18/19
For further information on Property Rates please visit the WALGA website.