About the Community Grant Program

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley is committed to providing support for not-for-profit, community-based sporting, cultural, environmental, service groups and associations. This support is to foster high-quality programs, community events, facilities and services that provide benefit to the community in alignment with the Council's Strategic Community Plan.
The aim of the Community Grant Program is to assist local community groups/organisations that make positive contributions to the quality of life within the local government area.
Grant Categories
The Community Grant Program consists of the following grant categories. You can also download the Community Grant Program Flyer.
Quick Grant
Quick Grants are a mechanism for the Shire to support local clubs and community groups. Quick Grants primarily cater for small projects and initiatives that are unlikely to be planned many months in advance. They provide a mechanism for the Shire to offset Shire fees and charges fairly and equitably as opposed to the provision of waivers on an ad hoc basis.
Community Quick Grant Application
Facilities Grant - Building and Property
The Community Facility Property Grant aims to assist community groups within the Shire to upgrade, extend community facilities that will benefit the community.
The fund provides an opportunity to part-fund an infrastructure project with strong community benefits.
For a Community Facility Property Grant Application please contact the Community Grants and Events Officer on 08 9168 4100 or by email at events@swek.wa.gov.au
Facilities Grant - Rate Assistance
Rates Assistance Grant is a grant up to the amount of rates levied on community facilities operated by not-for-profit incorporated associations to offset the annual rate liability. Rates Assistance Grant provides the opportunity for not for profit community groups and associations occupying rateable land to apply for funding for the payment of their rates.
Some charitable organisations may be eligible for a rates exemption under the Shire's Rates Exemptions for Charitable Organisations Policy (CP/FIN-3208).
For a Facilities Grant - Rate Assistance Application Form please contact the Community Grants and Events Officer on 08 9168 4100 or by email at events@swek.wa.gov.au
Events Grant
The Events Grant category aims to support organisations to develop and conduct sustainable local and regional community events that celebrate diversity, creativity, inclusion and a vibrant community.
Events Grants are available to incorporate not-for-profit associations and those limited by guarantee to assist with the delivery of events that deliver significant benefits to the community. All applicants must demonstrate significant volunteer involvement.
It is not the intent of the Events Grant to fund events into perpetuity. It is a requirement that all events demonstrate how they will make efforts to develop a sustainability plan to ensure the ongoing viability of the event without ongoing financial support from the Shire.
For an Events Grant Application Form please contact the Community Grants and Events Officer on 08 9168 4100 or by email at events@swek.wa.gov.au
Community Support Grant
In response to the state of emergencies and times of crisis, the Shire will offer one-off grants designed to support not-for-profit organisations and community groups to continue to maintain community services.
The Community Support Grant will help support organisations that have lost their fundraising capabilities and their ability to deliver their services to community members in need during states of emergencies.
The Community Support Grants will also help organisations recover from disasters through support for adapting ways of working, innovation, professional development, collaboration, membership drives and build resilience as appropriate for future recovery.
For a Community Support Grant Application Form please contact the Community Grants and Events Officer on 08 9168 4100 or by email at events@swek.wa.gov.au. Please note that these grants are only available when WA is in a state of emergency.
Community Programs Grant
Community Programs Grant provides one off grants and three-year service agreements for not for profit community groups with a focus on community development programs and services that align with the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan and/or a service the Shire may be expected to otherwise provide.
For a Community Programs Grant Application Form please contact the Community Grants and Events Officer on 08 9168 4100 or by email at events@swek.wa.gov.au
Other Community Support:
Future Leader Award
The Future Leaders Award Program is a new program for the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley. Raising career ambition's of residents and working with business and education bodies, the program will assist in meeting the future needs of the town.
Future Leaders Award Application
Previous Successful Applicants
Grant Category
Amount or % Awarded
Year Awarded
Lake Kununurra Golf Club
Rates Assistance
Ord River Pistol Club
Rates Assistance
Ord River Sailing Club
Rates Assistance
Ord River Sports Club |
Rates Assistance
Ord Tourist Bureau (Kununurra Visitor Centre)
Rates Assistance
Kimberley Action Sports
Rates Assistance
Kununurra Agricultural Society
Rates Assistance
Kununurra Bushman's Rodeo Association |
Rates Assistance
Kununurra Dragon Boat Club (Ord River Paddlers) |
Rates Assistance
Kununurra Motocross Club
Rates Assistance
Kununurra Neighbourhood House |
Rates Assistance
Kununurra Picture Gardens |
Rates Assistance
Kununurra Race Club |
Rates Assistance
Kununurra Speedway |
Rates Assistance
100% |
2022/23 |
Kununurra Water Ski Club
Rates Assistance
Wyndham Community Club |
Rates Assistance
Wyndham Picture Gardens |
Rates Assistance
East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Industry - East Kimberley Business Excellence Awards |
Events Grant |
$20,000 |
2022/23 |
Lake Argyle Swim Inc. - Lake Argyle Swim |
Events Grant |
$20,000 |
2022/23 |
Ord Valley Events - Ord Valley Muster |
Events Grant
Kimberley Action Sports - Lake Argyle Adventure Race 2019 |
Events Grant |
$12,000 |
2022/23 |
Kununurra Agricultural Society - Kununurra Agricultural Show |
Events Grant |
Kununurra Bushman's Rodeo Association |
Events Grant
Kununurra Neighbourhood House - 2023 Event Schedule |
Events Grant
$8,200 |
Kununurra Picture Gardens - 60th Anniversary Event |
Events Grant
$5,00 |
Kununurra Water Ski Club - Dam to Dam
Events Grant |
2022/23 |
Wunan - East Kimberley Aboriginal Achievement Awards
Events Grant |
2022/23 |
Kununurra Gymnastics Club - Kununurra Gymnastics Coaching Clinic |
Programs Grant |
$5,000 |
2022/23 |
Kununurra Neighbourhood House - Community Programs |
Programs Grant |
$15,000 |
2022/23 |
Kununurra Toy and Puzzle Library |
Programs Grant |
$10,000 |
2022/23 |
Kimberley Action Sports - BMX Track Repairs |
Facilities Grant |
$7,000 |
2022/23 |
Kununurra Picture Gardens - Shed Infrastructure |
Facilities Grant |
$9,091 |
2022/23 |
Kununurra Race Club - Website Design |
Facilities Grant
Kununurra Visitor Centre - Homestead Museum Display |
Facilities Grant
Ord River Pistol Club - Range Upgrades
Facilities Grant
Wyndham Historical Society - Solar Infrastructure
Facilities Grant
Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF)
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSCI) offers grants to help deliver facilities that increase participation in physical activity. Incorporated not-for-profit groups can apply for up to a third of eligible project costs through the Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF). Guidelines for the CSRFF grant categories are available on the DLGSCI.
Please contact DLGSCI and the Shire to discuss your project before preparing an application.
KidSport enables Western Australian children to participate in community sport and recreation, no matter their financial circumstances. Eligible youth aged 5–18 years can apply for financial assistance to contribute towards club fees. The fees will go directly to the registered KidSport clubs through their participating local government. While the primary objective of KidSport is to ensure all Western Australian children can participate in sport and recreation clubs, its secondary objective is to engage these children and their families in the community.

Information for parents
What are the eligibility criteria?
- Child must be aged 5-18 years.
- Child is listed on a valid Health Care Card or Pension Concession Card or be referred by a recognised referral agent.
- Child's primary place of residence must be in the local government area they are applying to.
- Child registers with a club that is in their local government area.
What else?
- Funding will cover the cost of fees to join the nominated sport or recreation club (this may include other related costs as identified by the club).
- Maximum of up to $200 per child per calendar year.
- Fees are only for the nominated registered season.
- No retrospective fees will be paid.
- No limitation to number of applications per family as long as criteria is met.
Information for clubs
Sport and Recreation clubs wishing to be involved in the KidSport program should create a log in and register online at www.clubsonline.dsr.wa.gov.au. Please note you may want to contact Department of Sport and Recreation previously to check if your club has already created a log in, in the past.
To be eligible clubs can be a:
- Not-for-profit sport or recreation club, and if applicable, affiliated with a recognised State Sporting Association or have affiliation through a State organisation.
- Business/privately owned BUT individual members MUST be affiliated with a recognised State Sporting Association or have affiliation through a State organisation.
Once registered, KidSport Clubs can start to receive applications and invoice the local government for the cost of the child’s fees and other related costs as identified. Clubs can help to promote KidSport to their members by linking with their local government to access application forms or include information in their club newsletters.
for further information about KidSport visit www.dsr.wa.gov.au/kidsport or www.dsr.wa.gov.au/find-a-club
Council Policy Statement
The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley recognises that community groups operating within the local government area have limited resources available due to the remote location, low member base and limited income opportunities. The Shire also recognises that the socio-economic and demographic profile of the community increases inequity and inequality of some individuals and community groups can face additional pressures.
The Grants provided to community groups through the Community Grant Program aim to improve liveability through social and recreational opportunities by supporting and building the capacity of community groups and clubs.
Related Documents
Community Grant Program Policy
Community Grant Program Guidelines
Should you require further information or guidance with regards to your application, please contact the Shire's Community Development Officer, via mail@swek.wa.gov.au or 08 9168 4100 to discuss.