Published on Friday, 7 February 2020 at 10:21:39 AM
The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley is one of ten projects successful in securing funding in the latest round of the Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS) managed by the Department of Transport (DoT).
The $200,000 funding will allow the Shire to commence a Planning Study to undertake a detailed engineering design for a floating pontoon jetty structure in Wyndham.
Deputy Shire President Cr Tony Chafer said the existing boat launching facility is at the end of its service life, and facility users have raised concerns with its usage and function.
“As part of its asset management the Shire has monitored the jetty’s condition and provided regular maintenance works over the life of the structure.
“The funding will enable the Shire to complete all detailed design works and firm up on actual costs in preparation for a future construction Tender.
“The project will greatly assist in the safe launching and retrieval of boats, improving efficiency and increasing user satisfaction,” Cr Chafer said.
Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said RBFS funding was highly sought this year, with a total of 20 eligible applications seeking total grant funding of around $5.37 million.
“The majority of projects to be granted funds in the latest round of the RBFS will deliver the main aim of the scheme and provide improved and safer facilities for recreational boat owners throughout WA.
"Boating is an increasingly popular recreational activity and the scheme, introduced in 1998, allows boat owners to directly contribute as it is partly funded from boat registration fees," Ms Saffioti said.
At the 27 August 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, the Council endorsed Shire Officers to proceed with the process to plan for the replacement of the floating pontoon jetty and boat ramp facilities at the existing Wyndham location.
Council also endorsed continued future applications to the RBFS in subsequent financial years with co-contributions from the Shire to progressively redevelop the Wyndham Boat Launching Facilities.
Cr Chafer said the Shire had undertaken a Planning and Concept Design report in 2011 in which stakeholders showed a preferred option of a floating pontoon jetty.
“Stakeholders were engaged early in the study to obtain feedback on the existing facility and what they would like to see included in the concept design options.
“Engagement was carried out by onsite meetings in Wyndham and Kununurra and through a questionnaire published on the Shire’s website.
“The preferred option was a floating pontoon jetty and we look forward to progressing this for our community,” Cr Chafer said.
The Wyndham boat launching facility sits amid a world class landscape setting in the East Kimberley, adjacent by the Bastion Lookout, the Cambridge Gulf, Anthon’s Landing, Old Wyndham heritage building precinct and other heritage artefacts.

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