Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework
The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF) ensures Council decisions look to the long-term future and consider the community’s aspirations to deliver the best results possible with the resources available. The framework is also designed to have a stronger focus on place-shaping and wellbeing while requiring a greater level of community engagement.
The primary aims of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework include:
- articulate the community’s vision, priorities and desired outcomes
- allocate resources to achieve the vision, striking a considered balance between aspirations and affordability
- monitor and report on progress
The IPRF requires the Shire to have three levels of integrated strategic planning, informed and supported by appropriate resourcing and asset management plans. The framework consists of a number of strategic plans for identifying and prioritising local issues. The strategic plans set the goals and direction for the Shire's future activities. It integrates asset, service and financial plans so that the Shire’s resource capabilities match community needs. The most important of these is the Strategic Community Plan.
Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework summary, How the Documents link:

The key components of the IPRF include:
- Strategic Community Plan with a 10 year time horizon and informed by community consultation; (Level 1)
- Corporate Business Plan with a 4-year time horizon; (Level 2)
- Annual Budget with a 1-year time horizon; (Level 3) and
- Supporting strategies including a Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan and Workforce Plan
Vision, Mission, Values
Our Vision: To be a thriving community with opportunities for all
Our Mission: To develop in a manner that will achieve social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits for all
Our Values:
Inclusivity - We recognise the diversity of our community and want to ensure that everyone can actively participate in community life.
Unity - We will work collaboratively with the community, united in a common purpose.
Sustainability - Ensure that the aspirations of the community can be met within budget in order to remain socially, environmentally and financially sustainable.
Responsibility for our own future - We will actively participate in providing input to decision making at a state and national level on issues that affect our region.
Leadership - We will listen to the community’s concerns and advocate for issues that are important to residents.
Strategic Community Plan
The Strategic Community Plan sets out the long term vision of the community for the next 10 years. It is a strategic roadmap of where the community wants to go and how we will get there. The Plan is intended to be a resource to help guide policies, strategies and actions that relate to the Shire and the community.
The Strategic Community Plan goes beyond what the Shire can address directly through existing services and facilities. The Strategic Community Plan sets the foundation for working in partnership with others to achieve desired goals and outcomes, and also identify issues for which the Council and Shire administration will advocate on behalf of the community.
Focus Area 1: PEOPLE - Healthy vibrant active communities
Focus Area 2: PLACE - Enhancing the environment
Focus Area 3: PROSPERITY - Economic prosperity
Focus Area 4: PERFORMANCE - Civic leadership
View the previous and current Strategic Community Plan here
Corporate Business Plans
The Corporate Business Plan is the Shire’s 4-year planning document. It gives effect to the first four years of the Strategic Community Plan and is pivotal in ensuring that the medium-term commitments are both strategically aligned and affordable.
The Corporate Business Plan guides the Shire on what services and projects will be resourced and delivered over the next four year period. The Plan is the key document informing the preparation of our annual budget and ensures that the Strategic Community Plan is activated whilst also taking into account other key strategies and plans such as the Asset Management Plan, Long Term Financial Plan and Workforce Plan.
The activities within the Corporate Business Plan are reviewed and reprioritised annually to ensure the community’s vision is being implemented.
View the previous and current Corporate Business Plans
Annual Budgets
The Annual Budget is the annual operation plan. This plan contains a high level of detail of the Shire’s budget, actions and projects, and is developed each year based on the Corporate Business Plan.
View the previous and current Adopted Annual Budgets here.
Quarterly Progress Reports
The implementation of the Corporate Business Plan will be monitored and reported on a quarterly basis through the progress of action and project delivery against targets and year to date expenditure against budget.
View the previous and current Quarterly Progress Reports here
Annual Reports
The Annual Report aims to provide an open and accountable insight into how the Shire has progressed the vision and strategic goals of the Strategic Community Plan. This includes our main achievements and challenges, financial performance and key targets.
View previous and current Annual Reports here.
Key Informing Plans
The Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan are informed by several other key informing plans. Key informing plans inform the Shire about how capable it is to deliver the services and assets required by the community.
The Shire’s Key Informing Plans form the basis of the resourcing strategy. The Key informing plans outline the resources available in terms of people, finances and assets.
The Council will ensure that there are adequate resources provided in the integrated planning development and delivery stages of the Framework to ensure timelines and legislative requirements are met and that the community expectations are addressed in a sustainable manner.
Asset Management Plan
Workforce Management Plan
Long-term Financial Plan
View the above Informing plans here.
Other Informing Strategies and Plans
Waste Management Strategy
Economic Development Strategy
Youth Strategy
Recreation and Open Space Plan
View the above Strategies and Plans here