Public Question Time

Public Question Time enables a member of the public to put to the Council or Committee, via the Chair, a question concerning the business of the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley.

The following rules apply to question time:

  1. Please register if you wish to ask a question by completing the Public Question Time form
  2. The Council will make at least 15 minutes available for Public Question Time. This may be extended if deemed necessary.
  3. You will be called to ask your question in the order in which you have registered. Any registered person who is unable to ask a question to time constraints, will have their first two questions taken on notice. 
  4. If you have not registered you may have an opportunity to ask a question, after those who have registered, if time allows. 
  5. You can ask two questions at your turn. If you have further questions, there may be an opportunity later in Public Question time, if time allows. 
  6. When called to ask your question/s, please come forward and state your name and address before asking your maximum of two questions. 
  7. Only questions will be accepted. Statements or context to a question will not be allowed.
  8. Only questions relating to matters affecting the Council will be considered at an Ordinary Council Meeting, and at a Special Council Meeting only question that relate to the purpose of the meeting will be considered.
  9. Any question deemed inappropriate, offensive, duplicate or a variation of earlier questions at this meeting or a previous meeting will not be accepted. Questions relating to the personal affairs or actions of Council members or staff, legal advice, legal proceedings or other legal processes will not be accepted. Any question deemed an attack on a staff member or Councillor will not be accepted. 
  10. Questions are to be addressed to the Council via the Chair, not individual staff or Councillors.
  11. The Chair has the right to accept, reject, respond or nominate a relevant Officer to respond to a question. 
  12. A summary (not verbatim) of the question (accepted questions only) and the response given during Public Question Time will be recorded in the Minutes.
  13. Questions may be taken on notice and responded to after the meeting. Questions taken on notice and their response will be included in the Agenda and Minutes of the following Ordinary Council Meeting. 

To register your question, please complete the below form:

If you wish to submit a question to be addressed during Public Question Time of an upcoming Ordinary Council Meeting, please complete the following form

Contact Details

Questions to the Council

Please provide your questions below. Statements will not be considered.

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