Local Law Review 2016
Why have Local Laws?
The Local Government Act 1995 enables Western Australian local governments to make local laws which are considered necessary for the good government of their districts.
It is a requirement that local laws be reviewed every eight years. This ensures they remain current and suitable for their intended purpose.
Local Laws are intended to benefit the community by:
- Supporting a healthy and safe community;
- Protect public assets from damage or accelerated deterioration;
- Project the environment; and
- Support a quality of life that meets the general expectations of the community.
To do this, Local Laws are used to control activities and uses on land which may:
- Be detrimental to the amenity of the area or the environment; or
- Cause a nuisance to others in the vicinity; or
- Cause damage to Council and community assets; or
- Create an obstruction or danger or expose others to risk; or
- Interfere with the safety and convenience of people travelling on or using Council land or roads; or
- Impede free and safe access for people; or
- Affect a persons enjoyment of public and other places.
Local Laws Currently Open For Comment
Have Your say via online comments
Written comments can be addressed to:
Local Law Review
Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley
PO Box 614
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the council updating its Local Laws?
All Local Laws must be reviewed every eight years. For a number of reasons, the Shire has not been able to undertake a Local Laws Review until this time.
Who will be consulted as part of the Local Laws review?
Consultation is open to the public and all community members are encouraged to participate.
How do I provide feedback?
There are a number of ways you can provide feedback: -
- Fill in the online form above
- Submit written comments to the address provided above
Will I know if my feedback has been received?
Yes, all written submissions and comments received will be acknowledged.
What happens to my ideas and feedback?
All feedback received will be reported to the Council for consideration. Sometimes differing views are received and the Council needs to consider both sides. It is important that anyone with a view on the Local Laws be heard to assist Council in making a decision that reflects the needs of the community and the enforcement responsibilities of Council.