Town Planning

Planning regulates the use and development of land in accordance with the needs of the community. Town Planning establishes standards and requirements to be met by both public and private development throughout the community. Effective Planning ensures that development not only conforms to the various laws and requirements but also provides a positive contribution to residential and business communities.

The use and development of land are controlled by the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme. Shire Officers assess a proposed land use or development against the objectives and requirements of the Scheme and can approve or refuse an application. Planning approval is required for, but not limited to:

  • Changes made to the use of land and/or buildings except those permitted by the scheme
  • Single houses outside of residential zones
  • Grouped dwellings
  • Multiple dwellings
  • Additions and alterations
  • Industrial and commercial developments
  • Outbuildings except those permitted by the scheme
  • Signage and other advertisements except those permitted by the scheme
  • Fencing except that permitted by the scheme
  • Development of sites listed on the Shires heritage inventory, including demolition, renovations maintenance and building
  • Refurbishments
  • Altering ground levels beyond that permitted by the scheme
  • Existing structures without council approval
  • Home occupations
  • Signs
  • Demolition of heritage buildings
  • trading in public places
  • outdoor dining
  • non-low-impact telecommunication facilities

You should make an appointment with a planning officer to check whether planning approval is required for your proposal.

The Shire’s Local Planning Strategy (the Strategy) and Local Planning Scheme No. 9 (the Scheme) are the guiding tools for planning assessment in the Shire. The Strategy provides the long-term planning directions and actions to manage land use change and development, and the Scheme sets out the way land is to be used and developed and classifies areas for land use.

Local governments are required to perform regular reviews of both documents to ensure relevancy and address current issues and community aspirations.

The Strategy and Scheme review process has commenced with Officers preparing a Report of Review, which was adopted by Council at the July 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Shire has received funding from the State government to undertake the review and is seeking to create a new and innovative Strategy that is consistent with the long-term planning directions of the Shire. 

The Report has been considered by the Western Australian Planning Commission and a copy of the decision can be accessed here.

The recommendation of the Report is:

That Council, pursuant to Regulation 66(3) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, recommends to the Western Australian Planning Commission that the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley:

  1.  Pursuant to Regulation 66(3)(a)(i) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (WA) make a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission that the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Local Planning Scheme No. 9 should be amended; and
  2. Pursuant to Regulation 66(3)(b)(iii) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (WA) make a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission that the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Local Planning Strategy should be repealed and a new strategy prepared in its place.

 The Shire is currently finalising the engagement of a consultant to undertake the preparation of the new Strategy and upon appointment, a Community Engagement Plan will be prepared by the consultant to guide consultation and engagement with stakeholders and the community. Further details will be made available on the engagement process soon.

For further information, please contact the Shire’s Planning Department on (08) 9168 4100.